

i was tired for most of today. when i got out of work i had hot dog with my parents and i went to art gang with my friends. at 8 we got ice creams and saw a guy on roller blades eat shit on the pavement. after that we took the metro and two of them had expired dog treat.


it's the start of pride month!!! time to wait for all the corporations to change their profile pictures on the bird app to a rainbow flag for exactly 720 hours and then change them back soon as july starts!! anyway, i'm currently at work, but it's my lunch break so it's ok. i'm hungry, which is convenient, considering what i just mentioned. i'm probably getting to work on my exam project after this, considering that needs to be done in 13 days. weather's nice, not too hot, not too cold. perfect weather for me to wear my baggy keith haring t-shirt that i love.

i went to the record shop! i got paul simon (the album, not the guy), on the third day (with the inferior cover art), and most surprisingly, by complete accident i got an east german copy of discovery. pressed in the 80's by the DDR's state record label. cool!!!

in the evening i hung out with my friends on discord, one of them got really really drunk and thought i was him


today was very nothing, i worked a little bit and then made a variant of SS 326. i did have very nice dinner today though. my friends are at pride and i'd really like to go but it's too much and too many people :(


i had a pretty chill weekend, i played D&D with my friends, we all very nearly died. work is getting stressful, but it's only a week till i'm done! blegh


WORK!!! work so much work. the weather is getting a lot warmer. i drove a car today as well, i nearly hit a moped (oops) and i played TOTK and dissociated


GOOD LORD IT's BEEN A WHILE. i passed my exams!!!! i am free of the education system!!!! anyway i am hyperfixating on small trains and i stayed up until 5am last night Oops!


more work on small trains, and a whole load of watching king of the hill. i also took some matresses to the recycling plant with my dad and we planned our holiday


I AM BACK FROM HOLIDAY!!! i met my friends and they sold me broken and or not working models :) but it's fine i fixed one of them and the other has a part coming my way so it's all gucci. i saw many places, i saw many trains and talked with an old welsh man called ivor who had much to say about the netherlands. my mom also had a TGA (transcient global amnesia, look it up) on the second day of the holiday, but she's fine now don't worry. it's nice to come home nonetheless, because holy fuck the beds were all awful. basically every room i stayed in was made for children so the mattresses were not built for a 200lb weighing nearly 20-year-old. my back hurts. i also learned i like brown sauce.